Legal information

Issued by HSBC Continental Europe, a member of the HSBC Group, one of the world's largest banking and financial services organisations. HSBC Continental Europe principal place of business is France.

This Internet site describes the services offered by HSBC Continental Europe, The Netherlands in the Netherlands and is not intended for persons in other jurisdictions. HSBC Continental Europe, The Netherlands is a branch of HSBC Continental Europe. It is incorporated under the laws of France as a société anonyme (SIREN number 775 670 284 RCS Paris), having its registered office at 38 avenue Kléber – 75116 Paris.

HSBC Continental Europe is based in Paris and supervised by the European Central Bank (ECB), as part of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), the French Prudential Supervisory and Resolution Authority (l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution 61 rue Taitbout, 75436 Paris) (ACPR) as the French National Competent Authority and the French Financial Markets Authority (l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) for the activities carried out over financial instruments or in financial markets. Further, HSBC Continental Europe is registered as an insurance broker with the French Organisation for the Registration of financial intermediaries (Organisme pour le Registre unique des Intermédiaires en Assurance, banque et finance – under nr.07005894. HSBC was first established as a branch in Amsterdam on 5 February 1999 and is located De Entrée 236, 1101 EE Amsterdam Z.O., the Netherlands. HSBC Continental Europe, The Netherlands is registered in the Trade Register of the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce under number 000040776689. HSBC Group entities, directors, employees and/or representatives are not liable for any damages directly or indirectly caused in connection with and/or as a consequence of (any use of)  this website.

General information on this site

The information in this site is based on HSBC's understanding of the current law and practice at the time of going to press. Future changes in legislation, tax levels and practice could affect the information in this site.

This information is not intended to provide professional advice and should not be relied upon in that regard. Persons accessing these pages are advised to obtain appropriate professional advice where necessary. In some cases, information provided on this website has been obtained from other sources and while HSBC Continental Europe and its subsidiaries endeavour to maintain the accuracy of all information, it makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of this information and cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. Persons accessing these pages are advised to obtain proper legal, accounting, tax or investment advice where necessary.

The information in this website is not and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribe for any securities, financial instruments or services. The information is obtained from sources believed to be reliable but which has not been independently verified; no guarantee, representation or warranty is made and no responsibility or liability as to its accuracy or completeness is accepted.

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Approved for issue by HSBC Continental Europe. Further information and written details about our products and services are available from HSBC Continental Europe, the Netherlands, De Entree 236, 1101 EE Amsterdam Z.O., the Netherlands. This site is not intended for persons located or resident in jurisdictions that restrict the distribution of information by us. Those people accessing these pages are required to inform themselves about and observe any relevant restrictions